Wednesday, October 17, 2012

Wise Words Wednesday - Use Words to Empower and Energize Yourself

Are you aware that the words you use may be sabotaging your health and wellness goals? I'm talking about common words we use in daily conversation with others (and with ourselves). These words become in sound track our heads and have the ability to make us feel helpless or powerful, deflated or energized, weak or strong. See if dropping these words gives you more excitement and energy towards achieving your health goals and decisions.
"I can't drink soda." "I can't eat junk food." The truth is that you can. You are perfectly capable of doing these things, but you know they will not help you achieve your health goals or other initiatives. You do have a choice. You are not the victim of your food choices nor are you your own mother. Instead try replacing "can't" with "don't". "I don't drink soda." "I don't eat junk food."  This wording acknowledges that you have do have the power of choice and you are making it.
"I should work out more." "I should eat better." This is shame language. (Just to be clear about the difference between guilt and shame. Guilt says: “I made a mistake.” Shame says, “I am a mistake.”) We resent shaming messages and want to rebel against them, even if that means doing something that doesn't serve our goals. We end up sabotaging ourselves which triggers more shame. This can become an endless cycle. Short circuit the cycle by using "want" instead of "should". "I want to work out more." "I want to eat better." Even if the desire is weak you can strengthen it by reminding yourself that you do actually want to do it. Try repeating the phrase to yourself in the mirror every day until your want grows so strong that it becomes habitual action. And feel to laugh at yourself while you practice. Sometimes talking to yourself in the mirror just feels funny.
This is something many of us do (myself included). When making statements we use the word "you" to indicate other people in general. For example, you might be talking with a friend and say "You know how you overeat when you are stressed out." But what you really mean is "I overeat when I am stressed out". This is not about blaming or shaming yourself but rather taking personal ownership and responsibility for your own actions and decisions.  This vulnerability and self awareness can be scary but it can also be incredibly empowering.
"I won't stay up late watching T.V. again." "I won't over eat with my friends tonight." Our brain has a funny little way of removing the not from our statements. So when we concentrate on the things we won't to do we are really just reinforcing those behaviors (try not imagining a purple elephant and see how well it goes). Instead focus on what you will do and set an intention. "I will set a timer and go to bed on time." "I will have two beers and split an entree tonight." By focusing your attention on what you will do and defining a positive action step you greatly increase your chances of accomplishing your goals.
Try some of these word choices to see if they give you more energy and power towards achieving your dreams and goals. Our brains have a strong ability to form new patterns of thinking and behaving if we practice them regularly. A few months of careful word choice may lead to greater determination and focus. Don't underestimate the power of the words you use with yourself and others.

Scott is studying to become a Certified Health Coach at Integrative Nutrition in New York City, following his passion of inspiring and encouraging others to reach their health potential by making holistic life changes. Scott is also a certified Triathlon Coach. He has found triathlons to be a great compliment to a healthy, active lifestyle. Scott believes making positive choices around health can have ripple effects into all areas of life. Scott offers individual health and nutrition coaching. For more information, a FREE health history consultation, and a free e-book go to You can follow Scott on Twitter @trihealthcoah.

Wednesday, August 29, 2012

Wise Words Wednesday

Here are some Wise Words for this Wednesday.....especially for those of you that deal with the ever-prevalent "never good enough" syndrome.

Perfection is not attainable, but if we chase perfection we can catch excellence.
                                           - Vince Lombardi

Monday, August 27, 2012

Seeing It

It’s ironic.
It is ironic that I am rarely short of words and have no problem with self-disclosure, yet I struggle when asked to write ‘about me’ sections. Even the simplest person is multi-faceted. Even the most transparent person has elements that are rarely seen by others. We have who we are, who others perceive us to be and who we hope to be. Then, putting all of those complexities into a limited amount of words…whew…that is a task.

In my last post (yes - FOREVER ago), I wrote, “Real change happens when you abandon your comfort zone.” Part of doing that means changing how you view yourself and how you talk to yourself. A popular quote states, “If you think you can, you can. If you think you can’t, you’re right.” I would say that I agree with this 99%. You see, I feel that sometimes you really can’t see yourself in a certain place or doing a certain thing, but that’s not a good reason to stay put.

So what DO you do in those times when you question if you CAN?

I believe there are three keys to breakthrough when you can’t “see” it for yourself:
1. Find a Trusted Advisor. Mentorship and coaching is essential to success. You need someone who can see your potential and offer the guidance that you need. You need someone who KNOWS the possibilities and can see further than you can see yourself.
2. Do it Anyway
3. Trust the Process. In anything worthwhile, results aren't usually immediate. It takes a little faith and trust that as you remain true and disciplined to the process, the results will come.

I am currently 6 lbs. away from what I long perceived as my ultimate goal…and know what is crazy? I don’t want to be at that point anymore – I want to go further!

Five weeks ago, I sought out mentorship from a trainer to help accelerate my progress. As she helped me map out my goals, she saw me at 8-13 lbs. lower than my ultimate goal and at 2-5% lower bodyfat than the goal I had in mind. WHAT?!?! I thought. It was slightly beyond my realm of thinking. It was hard to see myself at that point. I could only vaguely see how that was “realistic.”

Weeks 1-3 of working the plan we established, I lost 3 lbs each week and have continued to track my goal. Guess what? I can SEE it now. I don’t want to settle for my previous “ultimate goal.” Through seeking guidance, doing it even though I wasn’t quite sure how it would all work out, and by trusting the process, I have seen the results.

So maybe there’s a change in your life that you want to see, but have a hard time seeing it as possible. I would encourage you to reach out. Find someone who has done what you want to do, or who has the skills to guide others in that area. Take that first step! Trust the process. And, NEVER give up. I promise that when you do those things, even if it takes awhile, you will see the change.

It’s through these changes and through the process that you will develop the skills, the strength and the perseverance that will change you into that person you’ve always desired to be.

I am doing this and SO CAN YOU! Make it a Level 10 Day!

Tuesday, April 10, 2012

Making Real Change

YIKES! I cannot believe how fast time can go by. I admit it, no excuses, I have seriously been slacking on my blog. I apologize to my faithful readers and am READY to share many exciting things with you.

Today marks exactly 10 days until my birthday, and 18 days until I reveal my before/after photos.

After announcing a few posts ago that I would put my pictures online, I immediately regretted it. (Psst...I announced it though knowing that I couldn't back out!) I started thinking about all my facebook "friends" who I may not truly know that have access to my blog or people that may be cruel or judgemental of my transformation. While I know that this little blog is far from getting huge publicity, it IS public.

You see putting yourself out there can be unnerving, scary...risky even.

As part of the fitness program Chris and I attend, you begin in a 10-week session. During this time you have a coach that is there to encourage and help you in developing this new lifestyle. This session I taken on that roll, and have a team of beautiful ladies and am so proud of their progress in just this first week.

They've reminded me of something though - Real change can ONLY occur when you abandon your comfort zone. Playing it safe is not an option if you want to have real change in your life. Sure, you can go slightly beyond your comfort zone, but then you're going to have slight changes.  When you unabashedly run after your goals and run far from your comfort zone, you will see huge changes. And, the farther you run from that comfort zone, the harder it is to go back.

Over the next 18 days, I am RUNNING after my goals and abandoning my comfort zone. I have my plan set. I have my accountability partner in place. I am NOT looking back.

Chris and I have become students of nutrition, and I am eager to share the next 18 days with you, including our menus and some tips based on our findings. We are especially being mindful of the amount of sugar in things - watch for those hidden ones! If you have any favorite recipes or food prep tips, please email me at

I may even feature your recipe in my next post!

I am doing this and SO CAN YOU! Make it a Level 10 Day!

Wednesday, April 4, 2012

Wise Words Wednesday: STRENGTH

"Strength doesn't come from what you CAN do. It comes from OVERCOMING the things you once thought you couldn't."

- Rikki Rogers

Friday, March 30, 2012

Who Do You Want To Be?

Wowee! Working out at 6:30 p.m. and then again at 5:00 a.m. the next day will push it for sure. 

We accidentally overslept yesterday, but it did mean getting to attend a class with an instructor who I normally don't see, Molly. We did a lower body class and she brought it! At one point we were all quasi-laughing after doing a hard double set of quads, and apparently we were all making an "I'm in horrible pain" face (said Molly). I would call that, "I think my flesh is ripping." BUT it was AWESOME! I am a weirdo and actually like being pushed to the edge like that. 

It's funny because I used to be deterred from working out because I didn't want to be a sweaty, hot mess...and now I fully embrace it! I love getting finished and I'm sweaty and my hair is everywhere and I may even look slightly crazed (thus why I love the quote above), but shoot, I worked hard and kicked butt and I am feeling good!!

Tomorrow morning is the orientation for our newest 10-week recruits! This session my husband and I will be 2 of the 3 coaches for our class. I love encouraging (and pushing) others to be their best so I am eager to meet my team and help them in their journey. 

For my personal transformation, only ONE MONTH until I post my before/after/current after pictures! I've made some modifications to my nutrition and am hopeful at my upcoming results. I have that feeling you get when you know some good things are about to happen.

My challenge today is to get up and do at least 20 minutes of heart raising, blood pumping, get you sweaty cardio. YOU choose what you do, but get that heart rate up!!

I am doing this and SO CAN YOU! Make it a Level 10 Day!

Thursday, March 29, 2012

Product Highlight: Zevia

While water is always your best beverage choice, there are times when you just want something else. We recently stumbled upon Zevia, an all-natural soda. 

You can check out their website HERE to read all about it. They have a dozen flavors. We have tried the root beer and the cola. With all the recent studies on the negative effects of soda (including diet!), it's definitely worth a switch, especially if you're just not ready to cut the soda. 

I'll admit that the flavor does take a little getting used to, but a few sips in and you won't miss the other stuff. I like that they do not use artificial sweeteners or colors. Plus, there are no calories, MSG, GMOs, gluten, and are all kosher. If you like caffeine, 3 of the 12 flavors do have caffeine (naturally derived from coffee). 

So, that's that. Enjoy!

I am doing this and SO CAN YOU! Make it a Level 10 Day!