Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Building a Healthy Family

Some days it's just nice to be alone in the car. You can listen to the music you want to and sing as loudly as you desire. Your only worry is getting caught jammin' at a stoplight...and even then, who really cares if someone sees you having a good time, right?! It's also a great time to think and reflect.

Yesterday was one of those days for me. I was driving home after teaching one of the evening kickboxing classes and relished in the chance to be alone for a little bit. You may recall from my previous post that the last time I lead class, I didn't feel so great afterward. But, yesterday, was awesome! I felt like I finally got my groove and the confidence needed to lead a successful class.

I felt accomplished and was able to fully acknowledge the lifestyle changes that I have made. I felt a deep sense of gratitude for the many family and friends around me who have aided in this journey - particularly my husband, Chris. While he has always encouraged my efforts, it has been different to have him side-by-side with me in this program.

Did you know that men in particular need this "shoulder to shoulder" time with their wives? Meaning, they desire times when their wife is next to them, not necessarily talking (probably NOT talking), but just enjoying a shared activity that he enjoys. And, men, women like this too!

The other thought I had on the way home was how glad I am that MY THINKING has changed. A few years ago, I was following a similar meal plan to the one that FXB promotes, in addition to cardio and strength training exercises with a personal trainer. One day I was coming home from the gym and decided to pickup breakfast for Chris. Now, he has always been an athlete, is in excellent health, and certainly has no weight or body fat issues. Even when he may indulge, there is seemingly no effect on him. (Unfair, I know). So, he should be able to eat what he wants, right? Why should he follow what I am doing when he doesn't need to lose weight? So, this particular day, I picked him up (here's another confession)..... a sausage biscuit.

It was that day that it hit me - How can I strive to live a healthy lifestyle, and serve THAT to my husband? Literally, I felt like I was taking him poison. Sadly, I know I am not alone. I hear it all the time from individuals that they are making two meals - one for them, and one for their spouse OR one for the adults and another for the children. Why do we think that this is okay just because our spouse or children may be in good shape?

Now, I am not looking to reprimand anyone or as you to be a drill sergeant, but I do hope that my story in this area can help encourage someone else to change their thinking too. Yes - you may have a spouse that isn't willing to eat healthy or children who are picky, but isn't it worth it to try? Maybe your spouse just needs a little education on nutrition and help finding good options. As for your children, you ARE the parent so get a little creative and TEACH THEM how to like healthy foods.

When I was a child we had a "no, thank you" helping rule. If we were served a new dish whether at home, a friend's or out to eat, we HAD to eat one small serving of that dish (approximately 2-4 bites), no questions asked. Once we ate that full serving we could then say, "no, thank you," anytime we didn't want to eat that dish. Guess what? My sister and I are not picky eaters. We have always been adventurous and learned early on that even if something looks funny or smells funny, we might just like it! I am thankful that my parents helped foster that thinking in me, and to this day, I have only eaten meatloaf once in my life!

So, my challenge to you, if you don't do this already is to incorporate your loved ones into your healthy lifestyle. If you are in the process of transforming, NOW is the perfect time to get them on-board with you. If you've been following a proper nutrition and exercise regiment for awhile, then NOW is also the perfect time to get them on-board. No excuses.

What we see on the outside is only one portion of a person's overall health. Don't be deceived into thinking that you, or your family, is healthy just because there's an appearance of health. We are all in this together!

I am doing this and SO CAN YOU! Make it a Level 10 Day!

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