Thursday, February 23, 2012

Protecting Your Goals

When I began this blog, my goal was to post every day. That has NOT happened. At first, this bothered me, but then I remembered an article that I read in a fitness magazine a few months ago. The article shared that 'people pleasers' tend to weigh more than their counterparts (not sure what to call non-people pleasers).

So, my challenge for everyone today is to perfect three words: NO-THANK-YOU! You can still be a nice person while not compromising your efforts in physical, mental and spiritual well-being.

Let's practice together:
- "No, thank you, Sally Sue Coworker, I will pass on your famous triple-fudge brownies."
- "No, thank you, Aunt Sally Sue, I do not want to take home the left-overs from family dinner."
- "No, thank you, Sally Sue Chairman, I am not available to serve on your committee."
- "No, thank you, I do not want to get coffee with you, Sally Sue friend, who dumps all their life drama on me and makes me want to stress eat".....Okay, so maybe don't say THAT to your friend exactly.

The point is this, make YOURSELF a priority and give yourself permission to say no. It's not that you shouldn't ever eat dessert or have special dinners out or that you shouldn't be involved - but you do need to protect your priorities and your time, if you truly desire change in your life.

Most people have busy, hectic lives. I have found that when you start taking care of yourself and being mindful of how you spend your time, it's a lot easier to handle the craziness of life and you're actually able to GIVE MORE as a spouse, child, sibling, parent, friend and teammate. There's a quote, "We can't do everything, but we can do something." While I don't think the author intended it for this situation, it makes me think about my SOMETHING. What am I giving? Is it quality giving or are people just getting my leftovers because I am too tired and over-committed?

I found myself in this spot a few years ago. I was over-committed, out of shape and trying to make EVERYONE happy. The problem is that I was not happy and, honestly, the people around me were being short-changed.

At the time I had just started my own business, and was preparing to take it to the next level. Along the way, I wanted to start working out with a personal trainer. On top of my own reservations about the cost, the time commitment and if I could handle it all, my business mentor was encouraging me to WAIT until after I reached my goal. She thought that it would tire me out and take away from the time that I needed to focus on my business. In my gut, I knew she was wrong.

I HAD to do this. I needed to get myself in shape NOW. The people pleaser in me would have obliged and caved to all the doubts. Taking that time for myself DID take time away from my family, my business, sleep...but it was the exact thing that helped me finish my goal. It was during those few months that I learned about the fighter inside me, the person who wants to be challenged, a woman who is strong!

It would not be fair though for me to encourage you to take these steps without warning you of a few things:
1. If you fail to plan, you plan to fail. Make a plan and write it down. Keep it where you can see it!
2. It will not always be easy. This is when you refer back to the plan and the reason WHY you are making change in your life
3. Not everyone will understand. People do not like change or the word no, but you must perservere.
4. You must celebrate your successes along the way. Again, people don't like change. YOU may even resist it at times, so make the journey fun and enjoyable along the way!

For me, this blog is just an outpouring of the changes I am making and how I want to use my, I know I can't sweat it if I miss a day...or two....or even more. BUT I do hope it is an encouragement to you.

I am doing this and SO CAN YOU! Make it a Level 10 Day!

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