Sunday, March 18, 2012

A Life at Level 10

10 weeks - DONE! It's amazing how quickly that time has gone by, yet I see the true WEIGHT of each and every decision that is made during that time. We can often lose sight of the great significance that small decisions and choices can hold when you put them all together.

As a reminder, or for you first time readers, me and my husband have been participating in a bodyshaping program called Farrell's eXtreme Bodyshaping. I started last October, and upon completing my first 10-week session, my husband joined. 

As part of the program you have an initial fitness test when you enter to get a baseline fitness level. Then, you test again at 5 and 10 weeks to get your progress. Then, the top male and female participants with the greatest overall transformation are chosen as the winners for that session.

Yesterday was final testing and the awards for this session and......

CHRIS WON!! I'll be honest, I was more nervous for his awards decision than my own! The reason is that I saw just how hard he worked and the true dedication that he had to being diligent and honest in his meal plans and intake. He was RELENTLESS in the gym, and pushed himself beyond his perceived Level 10. 

He was willing to be comfortable with getting uncomfortable! He was willing to fail. In most cultures, failure is seen as a BAD thing, but in working out, it is a good thing. When you reach muscle failure it breaks down the muscle so that it can heal, build up and get stronger!

I will have Chris share more about his success this Wednesday in my guest, "Wise Words Wednesday" segment. So, keep checking back. But for now, here are his results!!!! 

10-Week Results:
- dropped from 153 to 146
- dropped from 13.8% to 4.2% bodyfat  (a 9.6% loss!! - Typically it takes 5 lbs. lost to lose 1% BF)
- decreased his mile to 5:51
- more than doubled the amount of pushups in 1 min. doing 74 pushups (from toes)!
- nearly double the amount of sit-ups in 1 min. doing 68

I have to say that I am SO PROUD!! It was emotional when he was announced because I KNOW the extreme effort that he put in and he is SO deserving. Not always in life are you rewarded for every time you give your best, but this time, that happened. I am also so proud that he set his goals and met/exceeded them all!

I cannot wait for you to hear from him again as I know you will be encouraged and inspired that you can make ANY change in your life that you desire if you make the commitment to see it through and align your decisions with your goal!!

Chris is doing this and SO CAN YOU! Make it a Level 10 day!

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