Thursday, March 8, 2012

Pay Now, Play Later

With the busyness of life, even my extroverted personality enjoys a little alone time now and then. Yes, it's great that cell phones allow for convenient and accessible communication, and the internet can connect friends around the globe - but I find my best thinking takes place in the shower and in a quiet car.

So, today's solo errands gave me some time to reflect on the transformation that has taken place over the past few months - not just a change in my actions, but also my thinking. Sure, I have had stints before where I was 'committed' to working out and sticking to a healthy meal plan, but this time it's different. 

I am willing to pay the price.

Whether we admit it or not, we all have a price tag on our health - not just a monetary price, but also of time, effort...and, let's be real, in sweat too! But are we willing to pay?

Of course we are willing, right!? Yet I often hear things like, "Eating healthy is too expensive," or "I do not have enough time to workout." Statistics show though that, like the old adage, "Pay Now, Play Later or Play Now, Pay Later." - eventually we all will pay. 

Tomorrow, I will share more specifics about just how steep the price is of inactivity and poor eating. But now, I must get to bed! Workout at 5am tomorrow and then we are hitting the road to head to good ol' Wisconsin for the NCAA Division III National Wrestling Tournament. If you read my guest blog a few weeks ago, you'll remember my brother-in-law, Andrew. He is wrestling for the national title tomorrow and Saturday.

Travel means you can expect a future blog on surviving the road!!

Thanks for reading! And remember, I am doing this and SO CAN YOU! Make it a Level 10 Day!

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