Tuesday, March 6, 2012

Spring Moments: Breaking Free

Favorite Spring Moment: When our tree like this blooms!

It's hard to believe that it is already March. With unseasonably warm weather and Spring just a few weeks away, I almost felt offended when recent rain showers turned to large, wet snow. (As if I have a right to not have to deal with snow since I have already mentally moved to the next season) Overall, I am just eager for what Spring will bring - sun, warmth, flowers, fresh life and even rain. All that, and more, means the chance to run outside without freezing my lungs, leaving the windows open and colorful Spring clothing. It means a time for the discarded layers to fade away and new growth to break through.

2011 was an interesting year for me. Between mending relationships, ending relationships, walking away from my business of three years, and tackling some longtime goals - I was pretty much out of my comfort zone the entire year. Though uncomfortable, it's often those 'winter' times in life that allow for the greatest growth and strengthening - the greatest 'Spring' moments.

The past few days, I have been taken aback, at just how thankful I am for my life and for where I am - right now. True contentedness. Peace.

That is not to say that my life is perfect or without stress. It is by no means perfect, and I am definitely not perfect. You see it really has nothing to do with me, but with God's unconditional love and mercy toward me.

His love is unwavering, and even in my 'winter' moments last year when faced with opposition and doubters, my God was stable. Those moments helped me grow. Those moments taught me that I can stand by what I believe is right and true - even if not the popular choice. Those moments taught me that I can do more than I can imagine - because "all things are possible through Christ who strengthens me." Those moments taught me to hold tight to the family and friends that support me and to block out the rest.

People don't always deal well with change, especially when YOU are changing and they are NOT. I've grown to expect that in any time of self-improvement someone just won't get it OR they won't like how uncomfortable you are making them for shining light on their own short-comings.

I picture it this way. We all have ways we have been labeled. We all have ways we are viewed - both from others and our own view of ourselves. These are like cloths wrapped around, binding us, and placing limitations. Sometimes these bindings turn into a source of security like a swaddling to a baby. Eventually though, we have to BREAK FREE from these ties that bind! Because the risk is far too great. We will not just stunt our growth, but will actually regress and atrophy.

You were created for great things! Challenge the bindings that have been placed on you by those around you and even yourself. It's cliche, but I think of a butterfly in a cocoon. It's the actual act of breaking free that allows it the strength to fly. Growth IS painful, but growth is necessary. How sad would Spring be if the flowers and plants were afraid to bloom?

I am doing this and SO CAN YOU! Make it a Level 10 Day!


  1. Jessica....I love your beautiful way of expressing your heart and all the ways that God is growing you....this is a beautiful and I love you for writing it!! Thank you.....I didn't realize what this was.....and I olicked on it to see and I am so glad that i did!! Love you!!
    Nancy Klop

  2. Thanks, Nancy! That means so much as you are such a beautiful example to me. Love you!
