Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Wise Words Wednesday - No Regrets!

I LOVE this because it is SO true. I can truthfully say that I have left EVERY workout feeling better than when I started. If you want to look or feel different than you do now, you MUST change what you do. You cannot continue old habits and expect new results.

There is no magic pill or instant switch. Bottom line - Transformation doesn't come for free! You have to pay the price through how you fuel and work your body. Yes - I mean nutrition and working out - BUT I also mean how you are fueling your mind, how you are utilizing your talents/gifts, and also the company you keep.

So, let's do this together and have no regrets!

I am doing this and SO CAN YOU! Make it a Level 10 Day!

Tuesday, February 28, 2012

H 2 the O.

Hydration, hydration, hydration! I have water on the brain today because I have been a little under the weather and I am downing the H20.

I'd venture to guess that most people do not drink enough water. Dehydration often hides behind the masks of....
dry skin.

So next time you're experiencing one of these symptoms, ask yourself, have I had enough water today?

Personally, I love water. So, the times that I struggle with getting enough usually has to do with busyness or choosing to drink other beverages like coffee (When you do drink coffee, you need to add in two more glasses of water to stay hydrated). So, just like every other part of staying active and having good nutrition, you have to plan.

When you live a lifestyle that includes eating 5-6 small meals a day, it is easy to have 10-16 oz. with each meal and a few more in-between to get in the necessary 80oz. a day. Otherwise, carry a water bottle with you. It's a constant reminder to get it in, as well as your go to when you feel thirsty.

If you're someone who fights drinking water, try kicking it up a notch and making infused water. Simply, fill a pitcher with water and sliced fruit (orange slices, lemons, limes) or berries, or even cucumbers. Let this chill in the fridge and make it a goal to drink the entire pitcher by the end of the day. There are other zero calorie alternatives like crystal light or vitamin waters. These are okay, but be mindful of hidden additives or having too many sugar alternatives. Some of these can have negative side effects like headaches or causing you to hold onto weight or sending 'fake' sugar signals to your brain that can cause you to crave sweets more.

Bottom line - do your best to keep it clean and keep it pure. 

If you're not convinced yet, here are some fabulous reasons to LOVE water:

- Zero Calories
- Keeps you Satiated and Refreshed
- Flushes Toxins
- Promotes Healthy, Beautiful Skin
- Increases Metabolism
- Aids in Digestion
- (Usually) Free!

So, keep up the water intake and feel better!

I am doing this and SO CAN YOU! Make it a Level 10 Day!

Saturday, February 25, 2012

Favorite Things

After getting less than 4 hours of sleep Thursday night, yesterday was an interesting day. With the help of three cups of coffee (I am not advocating this), I made it through. Thus, no blog post yesterday because all my energy went to SURVIVING the day. Still, I got in my kickboxing workout and definitely gave it my Level 10. I may, or may not, have felt like I was going to pass out a few times, if you read regularly, you can tell that I'm not making the best progress on regularly getting 7-8 hours of sleep.

Anyway, today I bring you some of my FAVORITE THINGS! I thought this would be a fun post for the weekend. Some of these things are nutrition and fitness related, and many are just random items. So, here we go:

1. Umberto Beverly Hills Dry Clean Dry Shampoo (Available in Target stores < $10) - I love this stuff and it has changed my life. Especially when I was blonde, I thought I could never go a day without washing my hair because it would get greasy and matted. Then, I discovered dry shampoo. Angels sang that day! What new freedom to get away without washing (which is better for your hair anyway). Since then, I have tried several other brands, at several other price points - but I always come back to this one. It is a waterless shampoo that cleanses and refreshes in moments. It also adds great volume.

2. The Original Bed Buddy Microwave Heat Pack (Available at Walmart, Bed Bath & Beyond, and Amazon <$10) - Great for aches and pains (or even if you're just cold) this is a moist heat, microwaveable pack. I like it better than a traditional heating pad because it is easier to contort to place exactly where you need it.

3. Jimmy Choo Eau De Parfum (Available at Nordstrom $70-95) - I fell in love with this perfume just before Christmas, and Chris got it for my Valentine's gift. It has tones of tiger orchid, but isn't too floral. They have a sweet toffee undertone that gives it a warm, sensual smell. It's just wonderful. AND the bottle is beautiful and luxurious.

4. - You could also spell this website t-r-o-u-b-l-e, because it makes online shopping so easy! First, you can create or search outfits that have been pieced together, and then with one simple click be taken to the site in which you can purchase the item. You can also type in an item like 'black jacket' or 'printed skirt,' and get options from all over. Fun to browse, AND to shop.

5. Sacred Marriage by Gary Thomas (Available at all major book retailers approx. $10) - We received this book as a wedding gift from one of my absolute favorite couples. I once heard the wife share that she had committed to never speak poorly of her husband to others. At the time, I was single and in college, but that always stuck with me. The subtitle to this book is, "What if marriage was designed to make holy more than more happy." I encourage you to read this, it will change your view of and strengthen your marriage.

6. 3030 Coffee Miel (Available in Downtown Peoria) - This drink brings happiness to my soul. If you're not local, you can do an internet search for how to make your own. It is a latte with milk, honey cinnamon and vanilla. If you are local, do yourself a favor - skip making your own and head downtown. This shop just opened late last year. The buzz and attention received so far is TOTALLY deserved. Their knowledge and passion for coffee is contagious, and everything they do is done with excellence. *Stay tuned for my birthday post in April when I indulge in one of their almond butter pastries (provided by Katic breads from Champaign, IL). I have had some solid self-control and not had one yet, but Chris ate one and asked, "Is this real life?" because it was so good.

7. BOSU Ball (Available at - You may be able to get a BOSU from other retailers for less, but mine is direct from BOSU. BOSU stands for Both Sides Up. Think of those large, inflatable exercise balls - then cut it in half and put a solid disc base on the bottom. Anyway, the Bosu ball helps with agility, balance, strength and speed. The ball I ordered came with a manual and a DVD which offer a variety of exercises and uses for the ball. Especially if you are looking to strengthen your core and build balance, this is a great tool.

8. Lancome 'Rouge in Love' Lipstick in #322  (Available at your local mall or online, $25) - This shade is stunning! It's a light peach - darker than a nude lip, bright and fun for Spring. The texture is lightweight, yet still provides a solid coverage. *TIP: You change your clothes for each season, why not your glamour shades?

So, just a few fun things that are on my recent favorites list. Hope you are well friends! Take time to enjoy life everyday and live it to the fullest!

I am doing this and SO CAN YOU! Choose to Make it a Level 10 Day!

Thursday, February 23, 2012

Protecting Your Goals

When I began this blog, my goal was to post every day. That has NOT happened. At first, this bothered me, but then I remembered an article that I read in a fitness magazine a few months ago. The article shared that 'people pleasers' tend to weigh more than their counterparts (not sure what to call non-people pleasers).

So, my challenge for everyone today is to perfect three words: NO-THANK-YOU! You can still be a nice person while not compromising your efforts in physical, mental and spiritual well-being.

Let's practice together:
- "No, thank you, Sally Sue Coworker, I will pass on your famous triple-fudge brownies."
- "No, thank you, Aunt Sally Sue, I do not want to take home the left-overs from family dinner."
- "No, thank you, Sally Sue Chairman, I am not available to serve on your committee."
- "No, thank you, I do not want to get coffee with you, Sally Sue friend, who dumps all their life drama on me and makes me want to stress eat".....Okay, so maybe don't say THAT to your friend exactly.

The point is this, make YOURSELF a priority and give yourself permission to say no. It's not that you shouldn't ever eat dessert or have special dinners out or that you shouldn't be involved - but you do need to protect your priorities and your time, if you truly desire change in your life.

Most people have busy, hectic lives. I have found that when you start taking care of yourself and being mindful of how you spend your time, it's a lot easier to handle the craziness of life and you're actually able to GIVE MORE as a spouse, child, sibling, parent, friend and teammate. There's a quote, "We can't do everything, but we can do something." While I don't think the author intended it for this situation, it makes me think about my SOMETHING. What am I giving? Is it quality giving or are people just getting my leftovers because I am too tired and over-committed?

I found myself in this spot a few years ago. I was over-committed, out of shape and trying to make EVERYONE happy. The problem is that I was not happy and, honestly, the people around me were being short-changed.

At the time I had just started my own business, and was preparing to take it to the next level. Along the way, I wanted to start working out with a personal trainer. On top of my own reservations about the cost, the time commitment and if I could handle it all, my business mentor was encouraging me to WAIT until after I reached my goal. She thought that it would tire me out and take away from the time that I needed to focus on my business. In my gut, I knew she was wrong.

I HAD to do this. I needed to get myself in shape NOW. The people pleaser in me would have obliged and caved to all the doubts. Taking that time for myself DID take time away from my family, my business, sleep...but it was the exact thing that helped me finish my goal. It was during those few months that I learned about the fighter inside me, the person who wants to be challenged, a woman who is strong!

It would not be fair though for me to encourage you to take these steps without warning you of a few things:
1. If you fail to plan, you plan to fail. Make a plan and write it down. Keep it where you can see it!
2. It will not always be easy. This is when you refer back to the plan and the reason WHY you are making change in your life
3. Not everyone will understand. People do not like change or the word no, but you must perservere.
4. You must celebrate your successes along the way. Again, people don't like change. YOU may even resist it at times, so make the journey fun and enjoyable along the way!

For me, this blog is just an outpouring of the changes I am making and how I want to use my, I know I can't sweat it if I miss a day...or two....or even more. BUT I do hope it is an encouragement to you.

I am doing this and SO CAN YOU! Make it a Level 10 Day!

Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Level 10 WORDS!

Today is one of those days, when it's nice to have a place to rant share my opinion. So, here's my Taylor Swift moment because I am going to bring you something that has been troubling me.

Now obviously, I am okay with people sharing their opinions. One of my favorite things is to have conversation with others to hear their perspectives and life stories. Simply put - people fascinate me.
Some recent events though, have left me wondering if there is any consideration for others left in the world?!

Since when is it okay to nitpick, tear others down and straight-up be rude?

What makes it worse is that people seem to think it's perfectly okay to hurt someone else all in the name of opinion. I even heard a comedian joke about the phrase, "I'm just saying." You know? I am going to say something mean and critical, but it's okay because "I'm just saying." Apparently, "I'm just saying" allows you to be a complete jerk...I'm just saying.

Recently, I have had several fellow instructors at the gym share stories of mean comments and criticisms, dirty looks and scoffs, and quick judgement while instructing. It almost saddens me to the point of not having words.

You see, at Farrell's, every instructor started out just the same as each member - as a "10-weeker." I love that. Some come in more fit than others, but we know what it is like to desire change. We know what it is like to come in and have to stare your challenges square in the face. We know what it is like to have to bare it all for that 'before' picture. We know what it is like to have a workout so hard you feel like you could vomit. We know what it's like to feel great in a workout, and we know what it's like to feel like you cannot muster up one more kick or one more punch.

AND, we know what it is like to finish that 10-week challenge and decide that we want more!

When I was a "10-weeker," we had well over 100 members complete the session. We had probably 10 who went through the instructor training. Now, I do not fault anyone who opted out from the opportunity. Shoot, I even considered not going through with it myself. Most often when I encourage others to be an instructor they say, "Oh no. I could never do that." I believe most people COULD, but the difference is the willingness to put yourself out there. To be an instructor, you are making yourself vulnerable. You are choosing a higher standard, not just while leading, but in each of your classes as a participant too. This is okay. This is to be expected.

What isn't expected, and frankly shouldn't be tolerated, is rude and inconsiderate behavior. A few things that come to mind:

1. Talking throughout a workout (a. this is super distracting to the instructor, b. annoying/distracting to your classmates, c. means you're probably not focusing too hard on your workout)
2. Bad attitudes (Psst... No one is forcing you to workout. You chose to be there. Why are you so angry?) and Loud sighing and scoffing (A subset of bad attitudes)
3. Critical spirits and mean comments/swearing. (The middle of a workout is not the time to offer your feedback on a workout, let alone a negative, mean-spirited comment. Be respectful of the instructor and your classmates and hold your tongue.)

Now, I know this isn't an isolated situation to Farrell's alone. I have been a waitress, worked retail sales and many other thankless jobs. This same stuff happens there too, but no matter the situation, rudeness is not acceptable.

For those of you who like to speak up in life and share your opinion, please do! (Anyone in my life would tell you that I do - but I was raised to do so with respect and in love!)

Before you share your opinion (in word or action), take a moment to ask yourself a few things:

1. What is my motivation for acting/speaking up?
2. Will what I am about to say offer anything positive to this situation?
3. Do I have qualified knowledge of this field/topic?
4. Am I willing to take on the responsibility held by the person I am about to critique?

Yep, that #4 is the kicker! Joyce Meyer said it best, "Don't have an opinion where you don't have a responsibility." You see, it's easy to believe you know the best way to do something when you haven't done it yourself, because you're only seeing the desired outcome. You may even be able to see the path itself, but until you've walked that road, you don't know the obstacles, twists and turns that have to be made to get to the final destination.

Honestly, I'm not always perfect in my words and I cannot offer any excuse for those times. I know I have "just said" things before hastily, selfishly, in the heat of the moment and without all the facts. In those times, I didn't offer anything good.

Our words have power. The Bible teaches that our tongues have the power to bring life or to bring death (Proverbs 18:21). Don't believe that? I would challenge you to recall a time when someone spoke negatively to you. Did you feel full of life? Probably not.

I think of those targeted most - our school teachers, our pastors, our public servants, sometimes those closest to us - often those who are willing to put themselves out there and serve. At Farrell's, we don't teach because it is our full-time job or even because it pays well, we do it because we want others to experience amazing life transformations. We don't need anymore people wounded by words, so let's choose to speak LIFE in our daily living!

I am doing this and SO CAN YOU! Make it a Level 10 Day!

Sunday, February 19, 2012

Changing Habits

For as long as I can remember, I picked my nails. In kindergarten, my parents tried to bribe me with $2 per finger if I stopped picking my nails. The problem - it didn't work. Well into college, I still struggled with it, but now over 20 years later, I have FINALLY stopped picking my nails.

We all face bad habits. I used to think I could never go a day without picking my nails and, in college, I didn't think I would go a day without chatting on AOL Instant Messenger (which is funny now because I don't think ANYONE chats on AIM anymore). So, what is it for you? I could never go a day without _______.

What fills your blank? -- Is it drinking soda? Having a latte? Eating dessert? Smoking? Having a beer? Getting on facebook? Swinging through a drive-thru? Gossip? Making excuses? Unnecessary shopping? Or something else?

It can be easy to brush these things off just like I did as a simple bad habit, but when does a bad habit or daily ritual become more than that? Webster's identifies an addiction as "persistent compulsive use of a substance known by the user to be harmful." 

Sure, picking my nails is not the same as a heroin addiction, and chatting with friends online isn't the same as being an alcoholic. But why not stop ranking our bad habits and comparing them to something we view as far worse? Why not look the other direction at the healthier actions we can be taking and the better uses for our time spent? Let's look to the better alternatives for our lives. 

Just like Chris shared last Wednesday, it's the small things that count. It's the little choices that we make and how we utilize the small moments in life that can make us overwhelmed and stressed, or living in peace, order and health. 

I always thought that to stop picking my nails that I had to have great will power. In a way, that is what I needed. It all happened when I started taking better care of myself in my daily living. It was something that just happened. One good choice lead to another good choice and so on. It's the same with our other goals - except it's not that we need MORE will power, it's that we must exercise the will power we already have inside! This happens daily. This happens with each individual choice we make. 

So, let's make smart choices and see what happens. A few tips for how to be successful in changing your habits: 
- Write down your plan for change. 
- Share your plan with someone who can keep you accountable. 
- Substitute your old habit for a healthier option. (i.e. Instead of soda, try a flavored sparkling water; Instead of a sugary latte try your coffee black or switch to tea; Instead of watching TV, go for a run) 
- Do it even if you don't feel like it. We can have strong emotional ties to our habits and rituals, don't let your emotions sidetrack you. 
- Set a reward for when you're successful. 

 My challenge for this week is to pick one thing that you'd like to change or remove from your daily living. That thing that you feel you can't live without. Now, what is the healthier alternative? Decide and commit. If you're really feeling brave, comment below and share how you're going to make change this week. 

Thursday, February 16, 2012

Facing Failures

As you may remember from a few weeks ago, I had toe surgery (all the testing came back positive, by the way!). The week before my surgery I felt that I hit my stride in my transformation journey. I was seeing more muscle definition, loss of inches, more energy and was at my lowest weight since starting my journey. So exciting! surgery. This meant missing a few kickboxing workouts and a few weeks of babying my toe. Since then, I have felt a

Maybe you're feeling that way too? Maybe you just haven't quite seen the progress that you would like or you've faced a set back in meeting your goals. The Farrell's program starts with a 10-week session. The new 10-weekers just had their 5-Week Testing. For some this brought amazing results, and perhaps others faced disappointment. Have you ever "failed" to meet your goals?

First, we must remember that we ALL have been in this situation before. You are NOT ALONE.

Second, we must decide how we are going to respond when the results are different than desired. Does it paralyze you or propel you?  Nelson Boswell once said, "The difference between greatness and mediocrity is often how an individual views a mistake."

Third, we must assess the situation (this shouldn't take long! Some people make a sport of analyzing - sometimes called "analysis paralysis") and then ACT. The only way you can TRULY fail is if you stop trying. Thomas Edison once said, "Failure is really a matter of conceit. People don't work hard because, in their conceit, they imagine they'll succeed without ever making an effort. Most people believe that they'll wake up some day and find themselves rich (or healthy - my addition). Actually, they've got it half right, because eventually they do wake up."

All this in mind, LET'S KEEP GOING! Let's push harder than ever before in our workouts, let's make the  nutrition changes that need to be made, and let's be willing to get uncomfortable. We can wallow in self-pity or pick ourselves up and achieve greatness. Maybe it sounds silly that meeting our fitness goals can mean achieving greatness, but I really believe it's one of the key foundations to living well. We get one life, one body and one chance. Maybe you have a dream to own a business. That's hard work! I am sure a person who is fit and healthy and getting proper nutrition is more likely to have the energy and fortitude to get it done. Maybe you want to travel the world and share your faith with others. That's also hard work! Don't you think that people would be far more receptive to someone who is fit and healthy and vibrant than someone who is out of shape and sluggish? The Bible even addresses this when we are told that our body is a temple. How are you treating your temple?

I really believe that anyone can do anything they put their mind to, and that we can do more than we can imagine. But we MUST not fear failure.

Just some thoughts for the day. Please be encouraged. I believe in you!

I am doing this and SO CAN YOU! Make it a Level 10 Day!

Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Wise Words Wednesday - Guest Blogger - Chris

I had a really great post for Valentine's Day yesterday called, "Conquering LOVE...Handles and other Pesky Body Fat." But it just wasn't ready to post yet. Bottom line if you're having midsection issues, watch your foods! You CANNOT outrun/out exercise your foods. Nutrition is 80% of your results and your belly will tell on you! Meanwhile, this is obviously on my mind because I am not happy with my stomach. I am seriously considering some major nutrition changes after consulting with some friends and family who have cut gluten and dairy. So, I am doing some research and preparing for a trial run to see if that solves some of my issues.

Anyway, today is one of my favorite days of the week because it is WISE WORDS WEDNESDAY! In honor of Valentine's Day, I thought it was timely to have the love of my life, Chris, share with you.

It would be hard to fully express in a few sentences what Chris means to me, and the respect and admiration I have for him. We met in college and began dating our junior year in February 2005 and were married in July 2006. He is a strong man of God who is insanely talented, creative, disciplined and loyal. I know few people who have the type of integrity and character that I have seen in him over the years. I love his passion for life and heart for people. We have crazy loads of fun together and are really just huge nerds. He is an artist in every sense of the word - a musician, a graphic designer, a painter, and even an artist in the kitchen. I could gush on forever, but I will spare you and get to the good stuff - Chris' point of view! First, here's a picture of my honey doing one of his favorite things. (Psst...if you didn't know he is in a band called Two Cent Offering and their new album is available on itunes and your purchase helps benefit autism awareness!)

When it comes to fitness and getting healthy, I think that everyone naturally looks for the “magic bullet” – that one thing that can easily make a big difference. Whether it’s a new exercise device that “only takes five minutes a day” or that great new celebrity diet where you only drink the fruit of some exotic plant grown in a remote village in the rainforest , everywhere you turn there’s another opportunity to take a shortcut. While, to be fair, I cannot speak to the effectiveness of the Ab Belt or “The Super Juice,” no one product or activity is going to transform your life with practically no effort. On the contrary, if there’s one thing that I continue to learn, it’s that if you want to see results and truly change your life, you don’t make one big change – you make a lot of little changes.

As a musician, I spend much of my time around instruments and gear. While in the studio a few years ago, I noticed that we were using some really expensive instrument cables. I asked our producer, “Does that cable make a big difference?” To my surprise, he responded, “No.” He went on to explain that each cable makes a small difference, as does the hand-wired  electronics in the guitar  and the vintage preamps that we were using. They all sounded only slightly better than their less expensive counterparts. The thing is, when you combine all these small improvements, it creates a huge difference in the sound of the recording. This is what separates the amateurs from the pros. I think the same thing applies to fitness.

It would be really easy to “cheat” a little on your nutrition plan throughout the week and “reward” yourself with a treat, or when hitting the punching bag, not go full out. I mean it only makes a little difference, right? Before you know it, you’ve undermined much of your efforts by making little excuses here and there. I suppose that’s what Farrell’s is getting at when they say “live at level 10.”  If you can start to remove those daily compromises, you’ll likely start seeing those results that you’re after and you can feel good knowing that you lived a “Level 10 Day.”

I know it can be easy, like Chris said, to make little exceptions here and there, but let's make a commitment to health and living well! Let's stop making excuses and exceptions. We CAN do this! With my husband's help, I am doing this and SO CAN YOU! Make it a Level 10 Day!

Monday, February 13, 2012

Protein Powder Paradise

Since joining Farrell's, my husband has become a master of protein powder creations. My current favorite is his Protein Powder Pina Colada. YUUMMMMMM!

It has been a nice guilt-free treat and a nice change from the normal routine.

Here's what you need for Chris' Colada:
- 1 scoop vanilla protein powder
- Approx. 1 cup ice
- 1/2 cup frozen pineapple
- 1 tsp (or 1 cap) coconut extract flavoring
- 1 tsp (or 1 cap) rum extract flavoring
- 1 Tb. unsweetened flake coconut
- Water (Approx. 1/4-1/2 cup - enough to make a thick smoothie)
- Mini-Umbrella (Optional - this is MY addition)

Blend this dreamy goodness and enjoy!!

I am doing this and SO CAN YOU! Make it a Level 10 Day!

Saturday, February 11, 2012


Call it getting older, but the past 4 years of my life have left me thinking a lot about legacy [a gift; anything passed down from a predecessor].

It is easy to look at someone's legacy at the end of their life, but what about your legacy right NOW! Who are you impacting today? We need not be old or dead to leave a legacy.

I have seen that recently in Pam's work through FXB. For the past year, she has been the owner/operator of our location. While we just met a few short months ago and only recently did I get to know her better, I have been able to learn a lot from watching her at the gym and as she interacts with others.
What may take some a lifetime, Pam has done in a single year and I know it will continue - she has left a legacy.

The important thing to know about legacy is that it is not tied to a specific position or status, it isn't tied to your income or financial pull - certainly these things may mean you have more influence, but we ALL have influence - positive or negative. Legacy though is seen in how those who come after you continue on when you're not around. For parents, it's how your children live when they leave home or for teachers it's how your students do when they've been promoted to the next grade or in a job it is how your subordinates/coworkers perform when you take a new position.

 Here are a few things you must possess that I learned from Pam about leaving a legacy:

- Must be solid as a rock
 Wow - as a business owner, wife, mother, friend and fitness instructor - Pam has proven to be a pillar of strength and stability. She moved to a completely new city alone and built a business community from the ground up. A leader does this by exemplifying competence, building connections and exhibiting strength of character. She has been tough and dependable.

- Must be a servant leader
Not all leaders are also servant leaders. A servant leader seeks to help those around them, not just manage them or tell them what to do.  A servant leader holds others above themselves. Certainly, this is a fitness center geared to helping people transform their lives through fitness and nutrition; however, it is not just a person's position in the fitness industry that helps others, but rather what they do to serve others in the hard times, through the dirty jobs, the inconvenient times and even the times when no one else is looking. A servant leader gives until it hurts.

- Must have compassion  and be willing to be vulnerable
Pam is tough and strong, but she is also compassionate. She cares! She is an amazing listener (trust me, I notice this because I am a talker!) and has helped many people get to their core issues. I had a small epiphany a few months ago that in order to be HEALTHY, you first have to HEAL. Pam also has shown that she cares enough to be tough and sometimes say the things that are hard to hear, but MUST be said. It not only takes guts, but vulnerability to put yourself out there like that. I believe that being vulnerable is one of the best ways you can connect to others and it is connections that build community. Ask anyone at FXB what the difference is between this fitness center and other gyms - I bet that most would attribute their success and consistence to the community.

- Must lead by example
Pam walks the walks and people do what they see. I used to hear a lot that more is caught (seen) than taught (heard). You can receive a book and gain knowledge, but seeing a living example helps people gain confidence in the process. There can be a lot of emotion tied to our body image, nutritional habits, belief in our physical abilities - so it's important to have a stable example amidst the potential roller coaster of emotions. Pam has not only lead our workouts, but attends them and works hard! She follows the nutrition program and can give good advice because of that. If you're going to leave a legacy people must see you in action with NO EXCUSES.

- Must lead other leaders
A community may start with the influence of one person but it will not grow with one person alone. When a person is a leader of leaders, then a legacy is passed on. To lead others well, you must help them reach their potential. When it was first announced that the new instructor training was coming up, I had the desire to attend, but had concern that I wasn't good enough yet. Pam breathed belief into me and encouraged me to attend. It was like her ears were tuned out to all the reasons excuses I had for why I couldn't/shouldn't yet. The proof of this at FXB is that the most recent session of new members had the greatest results thus far. The current session had the largest enrollment ever at this location. That kind of growth and results can be traced to the past members results which can be traced to strength of the coaches and instructors which all comes back to our leader.

Since learning a few weeks ago that Pam was going to be leaving, many of us have been sad and have known that it just won't be the same without her. When faced in life with these types of situations, we can respond in many different ways. We can get angry. We can get sad. We can even give up. OR we can press on.

I believe that the greatest gift we can give those who have poured into our lives is to carry on all that they have taught us and to pass it on to someone else. A legacy leader creates other legacy leaders.

So, Pam, we will miss you, but we will carry on! We will share the strength, determination, compassion, vulnerability, generosity, fight and so much more with those who are yet to come. Be blessed, friend.

We are STILL doing this and SO CAN you! Make it a Legacy Level 10 day!

Thursday, February 9, 2012

Growing Pains and Sustained Vulnerability

Guess what?! I am IMPATIENT. 

I have grown in this area over the past few years, but when it comes to my body transformation - still impatient. I want results and I want them now!

So, it was really good for me today in a moment of frustration (because my stomach has not yet gotten the memo that I am transforming even though everything else has!) when I looked back at my twitter account and saw my second tweet from back in August of 2009 --

"The journey of a thousand miles must begin with a single step. FOCUS on that NEXT STEP and in no time, you'll be at your destination."

Today I am remembering that I must TRUST the process and take that next step. Just like Andrew shared yesterday, it's about making that simple choice and building strength as you go. If you want change in your life, you have to grow up! Sometimes that means doing things you don't want to do - but it also means realizing your capabilities, getting glimpses and sometimes straight on full looks at who you were created to be! We are not wimps -- that is, as long as we keep going!

I cannot be afraid to feel discomfort. You cannot be afraid to feel discomfort. IF we want change, we cannot be afraid to feel discomfort.

It's interesting that in writing those words, I realized that we really... REALLY like to be comfortable as a society (Exhibit A: Comfort Seekers). So, if we haven't reached our goals yet, could it be because we haven't gotten uncomfortable enough? Maybe discomfort got us to take that first step, but realistically, it doesn't stop there.

We have to keep getting uncomfortable or else we won't reach our potential. You see, every living thing must grow. I recall being young and getting the worst growing pains in my shins. Growth can hurt. But growth can feel good too.

Prior to joining Farrell's, I worked briefly with a personal trainer. I remember the first day that she asked me to do hanging reverse crunches (Video Example: Here - NOT OF ME! But did have music and cheering just like him) I was nervous, BUT I love a challenge and I was willing to do it anyway. They were hard and awkward, but I let myself be uncomfortable.

One thing that I love about Farrell's is that it's hard to hide. Before you even start workouts you have to get your picture taken pretty much baring it all (men: shorts only; women: shorts and sports bra or bikini). No amount of sucking in will give you six-pack abs!

Sustained vulnerability is a necessary part of the process of change. We can't just get vulnerable in the beginning only... or else we will get stuck.

So, my challenge today is to answer the following:
- Are you where you want to be in reaching your goals?
- If not, are you basking in your comfort? (aka are you enjoying the glory of your current strengths a little too much?)
- What do you need to overcome to get to that next step in reaching your goal? And, what uncomfortable thing must you do in order to get there?
- Are you ready to take that next step?

Go be uncomfortable! I know that I am going to, so you're not alone AND you'll probably get to read more about my discomfort in the weeks to come. Be encouraged!

I am doing this and SO CAN YOU! Make it a Level 10 day!


Wednesday, February 8, 2012

Wise Words Wednesday - Guest Blogger - Andrew

Today's post is about MENTAL TOUGHNESS! I wanted to share this picture because it is the epitome of mental toughness and happens to be of today's guest blogger!

I am excited to feature today's guest - also my brother-in-law - Andrew Zobac. He is not only an amazing wrestler who currently is ranked 4th in the nation, but an all-around great guy and underneath those muscle has one of the biggest hearts for others (Sorry, Andrew, if your wrestling buddies/opponents read this). His passion for living well - living at level 10 - is evident in all he does, and he is an inspiration to those around him.

Here's a peek at just a few of his college wrestling accomplishments to show that he is also walking the walk:
• NCAA Division III National Qualifier 2011
• National ranking of 6th by NWCA and 7th by 2011
 • College Conference of Illinois and Wisconsin Champion 2010, 2011
• Outstanding Wrestler of the North Central College Invitational 2011
• CCIW Wrestler of the Week 5 times
• North Central College Wrestling Craig E. Fischer Memorial Award 2011
• North Central College Wrestling Hammer Award 2011
• Season Record 40-9 2011
When he's not doing all of THAT, Andrew enjoys fishing. Also, he is engaged and will be getting married this summer to Stephanie (picture below) on July 1st - which happens to be my wedding anniversary too! I am so proud of them both, and KNOW that you are going to appreciate his insights below:

Hi, my name is Andrew Zobac. I'm a student athlete at North Central College where I am an exercise science major. Sports and exercise have always been an important part of my life and I love being able to pursue a career helping others in reaching their goals.

I have learned many aspects of being successful throughout my athletic career, but by far the most important thing in being successful is what I like to call mental toughness. Mental toughness simply means facing adversity and being able to over come it. There are many different names for it, determination, discipline, but it call comes down to the same thing, overcoming adversity. Don't let your challenges beat you!

Now I know it may seem a little intense, that's the college wrestler in me, but it really is the most important factor of success. While most people aren't current athletes and may not see the connection between "mental toughness" and whatever your fitness or life goals are -- it's such a simple concept you can apply it to everything.

Think of it this way. Those times you wake up and have no desire to get out of bed, but do any way. That's mental toughness. When there are doughnuts at work, but you eat the healthy snack you packed instead. That's mental toughness. It can seem trivial and unimportant, but it makes all the difference.
And the greatest thing about mental toughness is it takes no talent, physical attributes, or genius level intelligence. All it takes is a goal and a choice. And just like everything else, the more you do it, the better you get! Nobody starts out mentally tough it takes practice. So all you have to do is set your goals and make the decisions that lead you to reach those goals. That's about as simple as it gets. It won't always be easy, but it's always a simple choice. And remember, Rome wasn't built in a day. You have to practice. Every right choice will make the next one easier.

Isn't he great?! Friends, my challenge today is to make SMART choices to improve your mental toughness. DON'T let your mind tell your body what it can or cannot do. What I love to say all the time is that, "You can do more than you can imagine!" and as Andrew said, "All it takes is a goal and a choice."

We are doing this and SO CAN YOU! Make it a Level 10 Day!

Monday, February 6, 2012

Meatless Monday

Okay, so my whole day was not meatless BUT my lunch was! Ever since joining FXB, I have wanted to try to find some vegetarian meal ideas. I am not a vegetarian, but I do believe that our dependence on meat and our consumption of meat is too high.

Today, I found a yummy option. It is going into my food arsenal labeled, "Triple Threat Meals." These meals are 1. Tasty 2. Nutritious 3. Satisfying

I stumbled upon this meal while tackling the million things on my 'to-do list' for the day. Like most crazy days, I was on the run and had unfortunately not followed my own advice of planning my meals in advance. While picking up a few things for my husband at Cyd's Gourmet Kitchen They have extremely yummy food made from "fresh and wholesome ingredients." If you're in the area, I do give a caution that their counters are lined with amazing, delicious looking desserts. So, send a buddy or inject yourself with an extra shot of WILLPOWER, avert your eyes and get your food to-go.

Anyway, I grabbed one of their "to-go" options called a Mediterranean Healthy Cup. I loved it's variety, portability and great combination of flavors. Plus, it was really cute too! Here's a peek after I took a few bites of deliciousness...and then decided to share my discovery with you!

Since I ate the top layer (some spinach and halved cherry tomatoes) here's a list of its contents (listed from bottom to top):
- Garbonzo Beans
- Kidney Beans
- Pearl Quinoa
- Quartered Artichoke Hearts
- Sprinkle of Feta
- Chopped Fresh Spinach
- Halved Cherry Tomatoes

So, my plan is to make some of my own! I'll let you know how it goes and what I did for measurements, and a few tweaks I have in mind.

More on that later! Let me know if this inspires you to make your own portable healthy cups!

I am doing this and SO CAN YOU! Make it a Level 10 Day!

Sunday, February 5, 2012

Surviving Super Bowl Sunday

Consumers are expected to spend nearly $700 Million on Super Bowl snacks! Yikes!

Since starting my transformation I have faced Thanksgiving, Christmas, New Year's Eve...and now Super Bowl Sunday Snackday.

I love that when you are making positive life changes that each day, each right choice makes you stronger, more focused on your goal and better able to face the challenges that can creep up (you a day devoted to sitting in front of the TV eating!).

What I learned at Thanksgiving was that much of our drive toward food...besides the taste...are our emotions. You see, we normally have Thanksgiving at my mom's, but this past Thanksgiving we went to Cracker Barrell. It was surprisingly easy to say NO to the high-calorie meal because I had no nostalgia associated with that meal. While I did enjoy a piece of homemade pumpkin pie that day, I stuck with egg beaters and dry whole wheat toast. I know, I know, I know....that is super boring....but it felt good to make a smart choice. It felt good to make a choice that didn't negate all my hard work.

So, today, we are at my parents having grilled shish-ka-bob with lean meat and veggies. Sticking to plan!

My tips for surviving days like today:
- Start with a solid breakfast. Don't skip meals to "save up" calories. This will kill your metabolism and likely lead to a binge once you finally eat.
- Stick to lean proteins and filling veggies throughout the day to keep you full and satisfied.
- Drink lots of water! Especially if you decide to splurge for a special event, don't drink your calories. Water is your friend!! Often when we feel hungry, we are actually dehydrated.
- Be a snob! Be choosy about what you eat. When I am going to have a special treat, it better be AMAZING! Don't splurge just to splurge. Be mindful of what you're eating and ENJOY it!
- It is okay to stick to your nutrition plan even on holidays and special days! If we give ourselves the go ahead to eat whatever we want on EVERY holiday, birthday, sporting event, party or special event, then we will soon find ourselves packing on the pounds. Instead celebrate your new self and YOUR accomplishments by making smart choices.

Enjoy the fun, your family and friends, and even the food. Just be wise!!

I am doing this and SO CAN YOU! Make it a Level 10 Day!

Wednesday, February 1, 2012

Wise Words Wednesday - Guest Blogger - Jenni

Over the past month, I have enjoyed sharing with you as I continue my personal transformation.

It is important to me to not just share my own views and opinions, but to also bring you inspiration from others as well. Today, I am featuring my first guest blogger! If all goes as planned, I will have a new guest blogger every Wednesday for "Wise Words Wednesday." These entries will feature some of my dearest friends, family, and even experts in the areas of fitness, nutrition and wellness.
I met today's guest blogger, Jenni Wahl, on October 1, 2011. Like me, she was facing her first day at Farrell's eXtreme Bodyshaping. Soon after our 10-week session began, we bonded first over her involvement with a local organization that helps kids and adults with special needs. As the aunt to a child on the autism spectrum, I knew the value in her work. This common bond, soon grew into a valuable friendship. We would encourage one another in reaching our goals, sticking to the nutrition plan and even met for additional runs. As the holidays approached we even started those special days with workouts as the gym was closed. (I never thought I would meet up with friends to run/workout on Thanksgiving and Christmas! Who am I becoming?!) When our 10-week session finished and it was time for the top male and top female winners to be announced, I knew that, despite being one of the THE BUSIEST people I know, Jen would win. Her transformation in just those 10 weeks was tremendous, and I am proud to call her my friend. Check out her before and after photos, here!

Read below for more of Jen's story and her Top Nutrition Tips for Success:

My name is Jenni and I’m 38 years old. I am married, I work full-time outside the home and I have a 9 year old son named Jack. As a family we love to spend time outside and, when time permits, some of our favorite activities include: riding motorcycles, camping, walking in the woods, and golfing. 

I have struggled with my weight since college. At my heaviest, I weighed 260 lbs.  In October 2009 I started a weight loss challenge at work.  I lost a total of 75 lbs.  I loved my new figure, but always knew I didn’t go about my weight loss in the right way. I did not exercise AT ALL and I barely ate. I stayed pretty steady at about 190-195 until my husband and I went to Mexico in February of this 2010. I took on an "I'm on vacation" mentality and apparently never let that go!  Slowly but surely I started putting the weight back on.  I was an emotional eater and often used that as an excuse.  Before I knew it, I was back up to 230.  My clothes didn't fit right and I was miserable! 

When I started the FXB 10 week challenge I weighed in at 223.  I have lost over 30 pounds, decreased my body fat by over 6%, lost over 24 inches, decreased by mile run time by over 2 minutes, and increased my number of push ups I can do in 1 minute from 26 to over 56, increased the number of push ups I can do in 1 minute from 6 to over 32! FXB has changed everything in my life, EVERYTHING!  I love it!  I love the classes, I love the nutrition plan, and I love that I'm finally doing this the "right way"!  I have developed a GREAT support system at FXB and am excited to have the opportunity to help others reach their fitness goals and learn to live the Farrell’s Lifestyle!
  • Cut up fruits and veggies and bag them up each day, good options are grapes, apples, oranges, zucchini, carrots, cauliflower, broccoli, etc... these are all pretty hardy that will last. You are less likely to grab those tempting snacks if you have healthy things at your fingertips!
  • Grill up protein in advance and weigh it out to match your ranges. Use snack size bags or little tupperware containers. If you cook more than one portion at a time it is easier to weigh it out into the portion sizes you need. Otherwise it can feel like you are wasting if you need to trim a bit off your serving size!
  • Keep a variety of protein bars that fit into my ranges in my lunch bag. These are an easy grab for a mid-morning and/or mid afternoon snack.
  • Mix up several portions of protein pancakes in advance if the recipe doesn't meet your ranges, divide them up into little cups with lids. Then you can just grab one and cook it up - already measured!
  • Measuring everything out in advance will help with staying within your protein and carb ranges. Also - planning out your meals for the day. Know in advance what you will be eating when.
  • Log your food and exercise – hold yourself accountable! Try You can manage your food and exercise on your phone and the computer. Have someone look over your log each week – you are more likely to re-think those temptations if you know your friend will be looking over everything you ate!
  • KEEP VARIETY IN YOUR NUTRITION! If you get sick of eating something you a more likely to stray!

WE are doing this and SO CAN YOU! Make it a Level 10 Day!