FINALLY!!! I never knew that I could be so happy, so early in the morning. When I weighed today, I finally broke through my recent (and frustrating) plateau! I have been hovering within the same 2 lbs. weight for the past few weeks, but after some evaluation and changing things up, the scale budged!
Now, the focus of Farrell's eXtreme Bodyshaping (where I workout) is less on weight loss and more on bodyshaping. Obviously for many people, weight loss is a by-product of their transformation because the bodyfat has to whittle away to reveal those beautiful muscles. When I began, my ultimate goal was to lose 45 lbs. To date, I have lost 19 lbs. If I am honest, I am not where I feel I should be at this point - IF I look at the scale alone. You see, I have been hovering the past two weeks between the same two lb. span. Call it a plateau or a rut or just plain annoying - it has been a great source of frustration because I am impatient and want RESULTS!
So, likely, I am not the only one who has or is facing this same dilemma. Over my morning coffee, I jotted down a few thoughts on plateaus and here is my guide on how to
Survive and Break Through a Plateau! (I love that yesterday's post was about breaking free from limitations and today I did just that!). **Scroll to the bottom for the short list! Or read on for further encouragement!
S - Say no to quitting and negativity! - On any journey toward a goal there will be obstacles and rough patches. These are the times that you must channel your mental toughness and REFUSE to give in to negative self-talk. We are all capable. I DO believe that. It's whether or not you can stay strong in your MIND that sets apart winners and losers. So, stick with it and stay tough!
U - Utilize your resources - Sometimes when we are frustrated, it can be easy to shut-down and feel overwhelmed, perhaps lost. You are NOT alone! If you're not sure what to do next, you must be PROACTIVE to get answers. We live in the information age and while I understand that sometimes it's info overload, there's really no excuse of not knowing what to do. Use the internet to find a blog like mine and ask for tips, ask your gym's personal trainers or coaches, find out of your grocery store has a dietitian on staff or visit a local college and inquire about free fitness/nutrition seminars. Educate yourself and you'll have the answers to break through.
R - Revamp! Revisit! Reset! - When you hit a plateau, it is time to change things up! Revamp your workouts, revisit your plan and reset your nutrition. Have you heard of muscle memory? Our bodies will adapt over time and get used to our regular workouts. Do something - anything - that will
revamp what you're doing. If you usually run long distance, try do intervals of jogging and sprinting. If you lift, ask your trainer or instructor for new ways to work the same muscles. Check out things like spin or yoga or pilates - most gyms offer special one time rates on classes. Challenge yourself to do something new.
Revisit your meal plan and proper portions. As you lose weight, you do not need the same portions as before. Weigh and measure your foods. Many people suffer from 'proportion distortion,' so make sure your portion sizes haven't been creeping up.
Reset your mindset. Most people have a special fire inside when something is new and exciting. Plateaus can quickly dowse the flames, so look as today as 'Day One' and reset your mind and actions!
V - Visualize your goal - Despite seeming a little new-agey, visualization can be a powerful thing and I stand by its power. Have you ever dreamt that something happened and woken up
convinced that it did? That's the power of seeing something in your mind. Besides, how can you reach your goal if you cannot even picture yourself succeeding? I know this can be hard, especially if you have a significant change at hand, but work toward being able to picture yourself at the end. If you have to, break down your goal into 'bite-sized' pieces and visualize as far as you can. One of my goals is being able to look great on my anniversary - which will also happen to be my brother-in-law's wedding this year. Is this superficial? - Maybe. But does it work. Most definitely! You can be certain that when I am working out and find myself easing up, I take myself right to that moment and that dress that I want to wear. Try it yourself!
I - Ignite another passion - Most everything is more fun in the beginning. Right? Before the monotony of repetition gets to it. If you're feeling 'blah' in your workouts or your meal planning, look for another area in your life that you can try something new - like a new hobby or perhaps the one that you haven't done in awhile. I heard a news story (can't remember where or when, otherwise I would credit it) that starting a new hobby can have significant effects on your level of happiness. Plus, I have found that when I succeed in one area of my life or overcome a fear or conquer something new, it increases my self-esteem in other areas as well. Perhaps taking up photography or painting or coin collecting (do people really do that?!), may give you the extra edge needed to tackle that higher weight or challenging circuit or the race that you've always wanted to enter. Courage is infectious!
V - Value your progress - Plateaus = loss of momentum = potential loss of perspective. When progress slows, we sometimes allow ourselves to take our eyes off the end goal and can begin to fixate on all our flaws and shortcomings. When you hit this stage, it is vital to remember your progress. For me, getting over this last hump made me realize that I have lost nearly 20 lbs! That is significant and motivates me even more to keep going. Yet I had been feeling as if I hadn't made enough progress. If I had focused more on my progress and capabilities, and less on my shortcomings, then perhaps that extra motivation and sense of accomplishment would have pushed me further than I am?
E -
Evaluate- I cannot stress enough the importance of evaluation. This is the key reason that accurate tracking/logging is vital to any transformation. You need to be able to evaluate so that you can assess what changes are necessary. For some they will find that all their "one bites" or "little bits" of unhealthy foods have been adding up, others will see a need for an increase or change in workouts, and still others will discover the need to actually increase their food intake by 100-200 calories a day.
A few things to ask when evaluating:
- Am I accurately tracking EVERY bite/sip that goes in my mouth?
- Am I drinking enough water?
- Am I giving my Level 10 (my all) in EVERY workout?
- Am I getting enough sleep?
- Am I still measuring my foods?
These aren't all the things you will look at, but a starting point. By evaluating, you can pinpoint what change is needed and get to it right away!
** SURVIVE a Plateau!**
S - Say No to Quitting and Negativity
U - Utilize Your Resources
R - Revamp! Revisit! Reset!
V - Visualize Your Goal
I - Ignite Another Passion
V - Value your progress
E -
You can SURVIVE a plateau! I did it and SO CAN YOU! Make it a Level 10 Day!